From the roof:
Have you ever fallen to the delirium nocturnum, head spinning in the night's air, whilst ochre and amber tones melt across the darkened sky?
Or watched faces blur in the witching hour, their voices lost in the din of the metropolis?
Or seen midnight shadows emerge from a russet summerscape?
Such accounts do not stem from happenstance in Brooklyn. No, they recall fast times and life across the bridge.
Imagine finding the same in Paris--induced by indulgence on the Mouffe'.
Right. So once the weather improves in Gaul, the Stitch'll have more to show. For now, I'll leave you with these links:
Snakes on a Plane, snakes who complain, snakes, more snakes, too many muthf***in' snakes.
10 Celebrities capable of destroying your bathroom (courtesy of JFunk and the High Life.) Of course, this post begs the question: what about John Madden, Courtney Love, and John Witherspoon?
Could this be the Italian team training for the World Cup?
N to the O to the R to the R to the I to the S: Chuck Norris. (yeah, it's been a while spent away from Rogue references to TRanger's roundhouse kicks.)
Geraldo Rivera smoking a doob, and laughing about it 30 years later. That's pretty high!
Donkey Lips tried to be a Scientologist--and dropped $12k in the process.
The first photo is like a modernized Turner. I like the muddy background tones with the hot and clean city lights vibrating across the plane.
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